July 26, 2024


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It was termed by as “obsessional neurosis” by Freud

Obsessive compulsive disorder is characterised by compulsive and intrusive thoughts along with repetitive actions.

Obsession is warranted by recurrent, unwanted, intrusive thoughts that cause distress. To reduce the stress and anxiety, you are driven to do actions in response to the thoughts, which are repetitive in nature, called compulsions. It can be mild or severe, depending on how intrusive the thoughts are and how time consuming the compulsions are.


The symptoms usually develop between childhood and adolescence, rarely in middle age.

Obsessive thoughts are recurrent, intrusive unwanted thoughts that cause anxiety and distress.

  • Fear of dirt/disease
  • Fear of uncertainty
  • Requires things to be in order and perfect

In an attempt to ease this anxiety, you are driven to perform certain actions that are unusually repetitive and time consuming. But it will not alleviate the distress completely. This is called compulsion. So you may find yourself doing,

  • Handwash multiple times a day
  • Multiple baths
  • everything in a particular order
  • These are more pronounced when rhe person is under stress

There seems to be a genetic factor playing a role in the occurrence of OCD.

It is also linked to neurological conditions like, Parkinson disease, Sydenham chorea, traumatic brain injury (TBI), Tourette syndrome, Huntington disease, and epilepsy, to name a few.


  • Much time is spent on these rituals
  • Takes a toll on relationships, friends and family.
  • Disrupts the peace of mind and your performance at work
  • Suicidal thoughts or tendencies

OCD has been found to co-exist with anxiety disorders, and other psychiatric diagnoses.

The doctor will ask in detail about what triggers these thoughts and how much of your day has been taken up by these compulsive actions.

It is diagnosed by assessing the symptoms and seeing if it fulfils the criteria listed in the DSM-5-RT.

Screening is also done with the help of Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale with questions directed at assessing the severity of different aspects of the condition.

If you also have neurological symptoms, it will require scans to reach a diagnosis.


Arsenicum album: anxiety, restlessness with cold sensation; fear of being alone, ghosts, ribbers; < night’; fastidious about cleanliness and order

Argentum nitricum: impulsive thoughts; sudden desire to jump when crossing a bridge; anxious and restless; fastidious about time

Carcinosinum: fear of impending disease; fastidioud for order and cleanliness; cannot rest when things are not in order.

Natrum muriaticum: fear of robbers, has to check locked doors constantly

Syphillinum , medorrhinum: fear of infection or dirt, has to wash hands constantly

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